Homeowners |
Over 98% of consumers recommend our service to friends and family. |
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Our maintenance email reminder service will keep you informed about the best ways to manage your property. |
Master Builders Association |
Seniors Card |
Housing Industry Association |
Work Safe Australia |
Real Estate Institution of Victoria |
Gutter Guard or Leaf Screener |
Gutter Guard or Leaf Screener in today's times is an essential piece of the puzzle of keeping the guttering clean and free flowing, eliminating many of the hazards that can cause damage to your guttering and downpipes. Most often gutters without Gutter Guard or Leaf Screener have accumulated a large amount of leaves and small branches etc, which decompose in the gutters causing sludge and moss, build up. There for not allowing the rain water to flow freely. This opens the possibilities of rust and corrosion to damage your gutters and that can be a costly exercise. It is often blamed that most downpipes which have become blocked are due to the large amounts of leaves that have ended up in the mouth or industry term the 'pop' of the downpipe. |
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