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Real Estate Institution of Victoria |
Cement Tiles |
Cement Tiles as once known as poor-man's tiles have gained over many years the respect they rightfully deserve. Over the years they have outperformed many of the other types of tiles due to their ability to be cheaper to manufacture and install and their ability to be malleable in any shape or size. Unlike other tiles, cement tiles come in a verity of different colours and shapes allowing them to mimic slate looks and terracotta looks. One of the best tiles known is called the cement shingle tile, which mimics the slate tile look. Cement based tile include cements and sands. Great care is taken in the proper mixture of these materials, as each one is critical to the success, quality and characteristics of the product produced. |
- large selection of colours and styles
- can be restored without replacing the whole roof
- cheaper to install or re-roof
- Ability to mimic other types of tiles
- have the option to change the colour of the roof when you restore it
- Very porous once the paint has aged and weathered
- once porosity levels are high the tile starts oxidising and deteriorates
- Roof starts to look old and dull
- Tiles become sandy and weak over time causing them to chip and break
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